pencil and paper

Hey Everyone,

I’ve been blogging for about 2 months now and you’ve heard LOTS of my opinions and thoughts. But now it’s time for your views to be heard! I would love if you could email me your thoughts and opinions on anything to do with my blog or mental health in general. I will let the emails build up for 2 days then add them to a post essentially written by YOU. I think it would be so helpful for everyone to grow from your ideas and points of view. If you would like to remain anonymous just let me know and I will respect that when I post your comment(s). But try your best to shout out your views loud and clear. Let’s crush the mental health stigma!

My email is

I will be posting YOUR blog on Wednesday 🙂

Be as candid and honest as you can be!

Can’t wait to get your emails. ~Nat